new found love - pinterest!!!

Me and pinterest have had a love / hate relationship for the past year or two, the love steams from the creativity, ease of the app as well as continuous flow of inspiration. Whereas the hate steams from how much it wastes my time, and sucks the productiveness out of me - pinterest i love you really.

I really love how easy it is to navigate pinterest and the home page for pinterest, relates back to pins that where previously pinned before. 
I'm forever finding inspiration on this platform, and find it enjoyably just endlessly scrolling through, gathering as much content and inspiration as I can. Most of my pins showcase many different aspects of my interests, showing the likes of food photography, styling tips as well as trends. 
Possibly one of my favourite apps that I have used whilst being on my course, as I've found so many images that have inspired me and helped me on my course!
Follow my pinterest here -

Thanks for reading x 

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