So, first year is officially over. It's absolutely crazy how quickly this year has come and gone and it honestly feels like yesterday I was applying for University. Coming to Nottingham to study was definitely one of the best decisions I have ever made and at the time when applying, I knew that out of all the universities I looked at, I had to come to Nottingham.
I never really knew what I wanted to do at University until I came across the - Fashion Promotion and Communication course (fcp). It was a course that I hadn't heard of ever before, yet looked so intriguing and board, as it covered a lot of different aspects in the fashion industry.
It was definitely a light bulb moment reading through the courses content and knowing straight away that this is exactly what I wanted to study.
I previously studied English Literature, Media studies and Creative writing at A-level and although they where creative in some sense, I really wanted to indulge more into fashion as It was something I was already interested in; So I thought doing a course that covered most things would be a great start.

Coming to University was a no brainier for me, and was something that I definitely wanted to do and so far I haven't been disappointed. Throughout the year I have been able to learn so much different things within the fashion industry like - fast fashion, trend forecasting, The fashion cycle as well as the more creative aspect like; Indesign, Photoshop, styling, creative direction etc. I do feel that the course in the first year was more business / marketing based but then got more creative in the end.
There's no denying that 1st year has been quite challenging, moving to a completely different city, making new friends and studying a completely new course is a whole lot to take in. It's definitely been the longest journey and although it's not over yet I'm enjoying the ride. I can't wait to just take a well deserved break since it's been work work work, and a lot of stress since day one; and topped it off at the end when I broke my USB so ended up having to do everything again..

I'm overly joyed that I have the chance to be doing such a unique course like this one since it's been a dream to do such a course like this. I can't wait to see what's in stall during second year, and although I know it's only going to get more challenging from here It's quite exciting being able to develop more of my creativity skills, meet more people as well as get stuck in with the different modules. Especially more so, the creative modules involving - creative direction, photography as well as magazine layouts / construction.
First year you've been a blast and I'm going to miss living in Nottingham during the summer since it's a completely different lifestyle to my city back home. But now it's time for a well deserved break back home!

- Chrissy X
(all photos taken by me)
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