I always find it particular hard to find inspiration at times, although I study a fashion course and am constantly inspired everyday; I sometimes find when I'm outside of that atmosphere I'm back into my slump of a lack of creativity.
Inspiration is literally everywhere, and can literally be anything. So here's how I find inspiration from time to time whenever i'm in a creative slump;
I follow a whole bunch of creatives on twitter, simply because It allows me to gain insight to their personality outside of youtube or instagram. Alongside this I follow "fashion twitter accounts", accounts that spercialise in show casting their favourite runway looks, general opinions inside and outside of runway shows and just photographs that relate to the fashion industry. Since I'm on twitter quite a lot I find it really quick and easy to just scroll down these particular timelines and follow up on runway or fashion news that i have missed that week.My favourite accounts include; PRADACCIA, THEIMONATION & IAMFASHION.
I'm on instagram everyday without fail, despite the occasionally duck lipped selfies, wacky instagram makeup tutorials and weird accounts that think putting paint in their eye to appear "individual" and "unique" (que eye roll here). It's actually one of my favourite places to find inspiration. I follow a whole range of people on instagram, may it be youtubers, independent fashion brands, bloggers or just gals or boys who know how to slay the game with their makeup skills. I especially like "instagrammers" that make their general feed really visually appealing with doodling on their images etc. Favourites include - lizachloe, alij_au, _nguan_ (there's sooo much more, check out my insta @ chxrissy, to see all the other cool Instagram's I follow!) I also find the explore page on instagram a good tool to find inspiration / new accounts to follow as it all connects to recently liked photos / videos.
Pinterest has always been a favourite app of mine, simply because of it's minimal feel and how easy it is to navigate different photos, as well as categorizing different photos into different pins. I like this aspect the most as I like categorizing different aspects of fashion into different pins which can influence my own inspiration. An example, if I'm struggling on ways on finding inspiration for a latest brief at Uni i'd write the key words into pinterest e;g, perfume, packaging and then pinterest will showcase an array of these things. I'm forever finding inspiration on this platform especially on different aspects of my interests like; fashion, food and photography. Follow my pinterest at - https://uk.pinterest.com/chxrissy/
WGSN is a trend forecasting, live analytic and design tool that I was introduced too when I got to university, I find it to be so useful in terms of finding out extra information especially when I want more direction on different aspects of fashion and lifestyle. I like how creative all the posts are, and how it goes broader than just the fashion industry and focuses on lifestyle. With it being the worlds #1 most trusts online fashion forecasting and trend service, it's definitely a website worth investing in.
Definitely an all time classic in terms of finding inspiration, I particularly like to rip out my favourite editorials from magazines and place them on my wall just so I'm constantly inspired everyday. Especially since I like everything to be visually laid out.If I find something particularly visually appealing I'll tape it up to my wall and will be constantly inspired by it. I feel as if finding inspiration is easy in magazines as I can get to grips with layout and organization of different topics, seen everything is visually laid out to the consumer, depending on the type of magazine you go for. I'm recently loving An0ther, Elle and Insyle magazine.
Thanks for reading, where do you find inspiration from?
-Chrissy x
-Chrissy x
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