Prior to the execution task during the last week of term, our course leader gave us an in depth lecture on fashion image and how to produce high quality images without having to necessarily emptying our pockets. I thought this lecture was extremely beneficial as it really gave me an insight how fashion images can reply on various of things to make it stand out.
He introduced us to various things that could make an image pop, including.. > concept, props, narrative, reference, location, casting, lighting, colour and lastly composition. Here's a few notes that I took from the lecture and will definitely be applying into future photo shoots.
>C O N C E P T - look for shoots that are concept based, inspiration from art, film, performance,
> P R O P S - complexity, looking at shoots that use props example; wallpaper, colour, paper etc
> P L A C E M E N T - example; clothing, distort it, bleach it, cut it
>R E F E R E N C I N G - flattering the audience with a mix of references, demonstrate the fashion authority and be inventive // look for shoots that are reference based - examples; The Great Gatsby, Japanese samurai..
> L O C A T I ON L O C A T I O N - understanding the photographic potential of a location / studio is so much more important than having a perfect location. At the end of the day it is what you make o the location, and how it can fit around your brief
>E S T A T E - lines add more depth, celebrate this through composition, fake a location with photoshop or physical collages. Can't afford it, then FAKE IT!
>C A S T I N G - Casting defines whats clever but also should remind you that the model is not always the images. Casting is art, and the right face confirms the message you're trying to deliver in the photo.
> L I G H T I N G - adds atmosphere and depth to a photograph, as well as colour, since colour is a subliminal language, make it be colour block, contrasts, clashing or tinting.
> C O M P O S I T I O N - adds instant sophistication, through confident cropping or visual contrast.
These little photo shoot cheats where definitely useful, as when it came to my photo shoot my group didn't want to spend much money on props that would later be damaged, following from these little tips my group relied heavily on composition, location, lighting as well as prop, evident in my last post it's clear that we wanted a dark undertone, and the use of editing on photo shop as well as cropping "confidently" ensured this. Hope that was hopeful!
- Chrissy x
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